Lighting Regulation
This page provides Service Lamp customers and our colleagues with useful tools and information about lighting regulations. We include links to national and state regulations but do not suggest this is a complete list. Service Lamp is not responsible for the content of sites we link to nor do we necessarily endorse the company, their products or their services.
Lighting Regulations

Energy codes are a nationwide patchwork of state and local regulations. Building Codes Assistance Project tracks the progress of codes nationwide. Their website provides a legend explaining the color code used on the map above as well as a link to each state's regulation.
Lighting Design & Control offers sections of the applicable lighting code by state.
ASHRAE Standards
A good discussion of ASHRAE 90.1 and how the standard has evolved is found on the Acuity Brands website. That link has a very useful comparison of ASHRAE 90.1-2007, -2010 and -2013 standards. ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, takes the lead in working toward a net-zero energy building. A net zero energy building is a building that draws from outside resources equal or less energy than it provides using on-site renewable energy sources.
Recycling Regulations
Federal Law and standards apply to recycling but states and sometimes cities have established more stringent requirements. Check your state regulations regarding recycling requirements for mercury containing lamps and lighting ballasts.
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, H.R. 1424
Extension of Energy-Efficient Buildings Deduction. Current law allows taxpayers to deduct the cost of energy-efficient property installed in commercial buildings. The amount deductible is up to $1.80 per square foot of building floor area for buildings achieving a 50% energy savings target. The energy savings must be accomplished through energy and power cost reductions for the buildings heating, cooling, ventilation, hot water, and interior lighting systems. This bill extends the energy- efficient commercial buildings deduction through December 31, 2013. Additional information regarding the Energy Efficient Commercial Building Tax Deduction can be obtained at
Lighting Rebates
Lighting regulations provide the stick for energy responsibility while rebates carrots -- hard cash for saving electricity. Our recommendation is that you call your power company before starting any new construction or renovation project to determine if rebates are available. As with regulations rebates are listed by state.
For additional information call Service Lamp, 856-768-0404.

Philips Lighting


GE Lighting

Current powered by GE

Sylvania Lighting


Westinghouse Lighting

TCP Lighting

USHIO Lighting


Universal Lighting Technology