Exterior Lighting

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Exterior lighting requirements are as varied as indoor lighting. It is relatively easy to envision the difference between lighting an office or warehouse when compared to a fine dining establishment. The differences are more subtle when lighting an outside garden at a resort or a regional health center campus.

Beyond lighting the grounds, lighting buildings to highlight their architectural features or to call attention to the location are in the general category of exterior lighting. Exterior lighting encompasses everything from aesthetics to security, which is a pretty wide range.


Additional considerations for exterior lighting are light trespass, casting unwanted light on neighboring property and dark sky provisions. These two conditions are referred to as "light pollution."

Dark sky provisions recognize that the reflection of light into the night sky is so great in urban areas the stars are obscured by the glare. Responsible exterior lighting projects address these concerns with "full cutoff" fixtures that reduce glare and trespass.

Exterior Lighting Projects

If you want to retrofit your existing poles to LED "heads" or if you are interested in replacing your metal halide lamps to LED corn cobs, Service Lamp has the selection and the "fit" that is right for your project.

Security Lighting Projects

While often thought of as outdoor lighting, security lighting may either be inside or outside. Night lights inside a store, for example, will enable police or security to detect movement with a quick visual inspection. Security lighting can also be thought of in terms of emergency lighting that comes on during extraordinary events to guide occupants to safety.

Outdoor lighting, especially security lighting, is more nebulous. What light level is necessary to deter vandals and criminals? Conversely the question becomes, "How much light is necessary to attract shoppers and give them a sense of security?" Those are judgment calls that may change over time as threats to persons and property become more brazen.

The light level in a retail parking lot will generally be 1 to 2 footcandles with perhaps a higher level nearer the buildings while the business is open. Light levels in gas stations are much higher, on the order of 80 to 100 footcandles, to call attention to the facility, make customers feel at ease while outside the protection of their vehicles, and lastly to aid in the detection of any evil doers. If all else fails security lighting will enable us to get a good picture of the perpetrator for the police.

Below is a factory parking lot we lit in Ohio - they needed additional parking lot lights for security.